Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol
고성능 콘크리트 혼화제(첨가제) 원료로서 제3세대 혼화제의 대표적인 원료입니다.MPEG를 사용한 혼화제는 콘크리트 작업 시 물 사용량을 30% 이상 저감하며, 콘크리트의 강도를 향상시키는 데 탁월한 역할을 합니다. 고순도를 자랑하는 뛰어난 제품입니다.
∙ 제품용도 : 고층건물, 고속철도
∙ 제품특징 : 물 사용량 감소, 고강도
Alkylallylether Polyethylene Glycol
VPEG는 MPEG와 함께 제3세대 혼화제의대표적인 원료이며 성장 잠재력이 매우 큰 제품입니다.
고순도 고품질의 VPEG를 사용 시 혼화제의 제조공정을 단순화할 수 있습니다.
∙ 제품용도 : 고층건물, 고속철도
∙ 제품특징 : 물 사용량 감소, 고강도
TPEG (Planning)
Polyethylene Glycol Monovinyl Ether
MPEG / VPEG 와 비교하여 유지력, 감수력 우수하며 PCE 제조시 1.5배 제조시간 단축에 도움이 되는 제품입니다.
∙ 제품용도 : 고층건물, 고속철도
∙ 제품특징 : 뛰어난 물 감수력, 가장 뛰어난 유지력
Glycol Ether
알코올과 산화 에틸렌(Ethylene Oxide) 혹은 산화 프로필렌(Propylene Oxide)이 반응하여 증류에 의해 얻어지는 고순도 제품입니다. 휘발성 유기 화합물(VOCs) 함량이 낮아 대기 중으로 쉽게 증발되지 않는 친환경 용제입니다.
∙ 제품용도 : 페인트 용제, 전자동 세정제,
자동차 브레이크액
∙ 제품특징 : 낮은 독성, 낮은 용해도,
낮은 휘발도
Polyethylene Glyco
물과 산화에틸렌을 통해 얻을 수 있는 물질이며, 물에 녹는 불활성의 액상 또는 고상의 제품입니다. 유기반응 중간체, 용매, 결합제, 레진용 원료, 우레탄용 폴리올, 분산제, 유화제 등으로 널리 사용됩니다.
∙ 제품용도 : 페인트 용제, 전자동 세정제,
자동차 브레이크액
∙ 제품특징 : 낮은 독성, 낮은 용해도,
낮은 휘발도
Epoxy Resin
Bisphenol-A타입의 범용수지로, 코팅, 접착제, 토목, 건축, 전자전기, 복합재료 등 다수의 응용분야에 사용되어지는 제품입니다.
∙ 제품용도 : 용제형/무용제형/수용성/타르형 등의 상온 경화도료, 토목, 건축분야의 바닥재, Mortar (모르타)재, 그라우트(Grout)재, 보수재, 접착재, 복합재료와 연마재, 전자전기분야의 라미네이트, 팟팅재 등
∙ 제품특징 : 뛰어난 내열성, 접착성, 전기절연성,
내약품성, 내수성
Ethyl Acetate 99.8wt%
CAS No. 141-78-6
UN No. 1173
∙ 제품용도 : 제품 용도 : 도료, 인쇄용잉크, 점/접착제, 합성수지 등의 용제로 사용되는 제품입니다.
Vinyl Acetate Monomer
VAM is produced by using Acetic Acid as its main ingredient, and it is mainly used in many high value-added products such as solar energy materials, industrial films, paint, packaging, adhesives, etc.
Products that are made of VAM are highly functional, eco-friendly, and does not cause any to the human body.
∙ Use of product : Solar Energy Materials, Industrial Film, Shoe Foam, Adhesives
Chlorinated paraffin
CP-70 powder
· Use of product : Flame Retardants / Plasticisers / Additives in metal working fluids / Sealants / Paints / Textiles / Leater fat and coatings
Methacrylic Acid
A colorless columnar crystal with a unique pungent smell. The acidity is stronger than acetic acid and shows corrosiveness. It is easier to polymerize than acrylic acid, making it easier to use commercially by polymerizing with various compounds.
∙ Use of product : Medical gloves (NB-LATEX) / Cement plasticizer(PCA) / Paint / Textile agent / Adhesive / UV coatings
Methyl Methacrylate
Clear and transparent liquid that smells like an ester. It slightly dissolves in the water but mostly dissolves better in an organic solvent. It is easily polymerized by light, heat, radiation, peroxide, etc., and becomes a methacrylic resin.
∙ Use of product : PMMA / TransparantABS / Imitationmarble / Paint / Adhesive
Phthalic Anhydride
Intermediate product produced through an oxidation reaction, that can impart special functions such as compatibility (Confluence Property) and weatherability to various resins.
· Use of product : Plasticizers (together with PVC, It's used to produce wallpapers / Flooring materials / electric wires)
Unsaturated Polyester Resin (Used to produce bath tubs / Septic tanks / Vessels / Buttons)
Alkyd Resins (Paints / Dyes)
Ester Polyols (PU panels / boards / cryogenic material / refrigerator insulators / Adhesives for panels)
Acetic Acid
Acetic Acid has the same chemical properties as vinegar produced by natural fermentation, and is a colorless liquid with a sour taste. In particular, Acetic Acid with a high purity (over 99%) is called ‘Glacial Acetic Acid’ because it becomes solid (ice) at low room temperature. Acetic Acid is a basic chemical substance that is used widely in the field of electronic materials and fine chemicals, and is deeply related to the basic aspects of our life, such as food and clothing.
· Use of product : Polyester / Medicines / Ink (for office equipment) / Paint
DYWELL-DN, Benzene sulfonic acid, hydroxyl-, polymer with formaldehyde, phenol and urea, sodium salt, is an excellent dispersant and used in the production of Argo pesticide formulation.
Very powerful dispersing agent with high molecular weight. Stabilizer, dispersing agent and precipitant for the chemical and allied industries. Dispersing agent and auxiliary for processing and polymerizing natural and synthetic rubber lattices & dispersing agent.
· Use of product : Dye Stuffs / Pigment / Latex / Rubber, Agricultural chemical
Cyclo Pentane 95%
(Property) (Unit) (Value) (Condition)
Benzene wt% Max 5
C4&Lighter wt% Max 0.05
Cyclo-Pentane wt% Min 95.0
iso-Pentane wt% Report
n-Hexane wt ppm Max 20.0
n-Pentane wt% Max 3.0
Sp.Gr 0.74-0.75 (15.6/15.6℃)
Water wt ppm Max 50
· 제품 용도 : EPS 발포제, 폴리 우레탄 발포제
공기 연행제
일반 발포형.
범용으로 사용되는 공기 연행제.
크거나 미세한 기포를 일정하게 유지하도록 하여 콘크리트의 작업성과 내구성을 향상 시켜주며 동결융해에 대한 저항성을 향상 시키며 플라이애쉬, 슬래그, 실리카 함량이 높은 콘크리트 에서도 충분한 효과를 발현하는 제품입니다.
· 제품 용도 : 콘크리트 혼화제
공기 연행제
기포 장기 유지형.
열악한 골재 조건에서 기포의 장기 유지가 필요할 경우 사용.
크거나 미세한 기포를 일정하게 유지하도록 하여 콘크리트의 작업성과 내구성을 향상 시켜주며 동결융해에 대한 저항성을 향상 시키며 플라이애쉬, 슬래그, 실리카 함량이 높은 콘크리트 에서도 충분한 효과를 발현하는 제품입니다.
· 제품 용도 : 콘크리트 혼화제
공기 연행제
초기 발포형
열악한 골재 조건에서 초기 우수한 기포력이 필요할 때 사용.
크거나 미세한 기포를 일정하게 유지하도록 하여 콘크리트의 작업성과 내구성을 향상 시켜주며 동결융해에 대한 저항성을 향상 시키며 플라이애쉬, 슬래그, 실리카 함량이 높은 콘크리트 에서도 충분한 효과를 발현하는 제품입니다
· 제품 용도 : 콘크리트 혼화제
Toluene Diisocyanate
폴리우레탄수지, 접착제 등의 원료로 사용됩니다. 연질폼은 신발, 가구, 자동차, 침구류, 완구류 등에, 반경질폼은 자동차 내장재 등에 사용됩니다.
· 제품 용도 : 신발, 의류, 가방, 모자, 가구, 자동차시트, 가구페인트, 도료 및 Resin, Coating, Elastomer용, 산업용 필터 폼, 기저귀용 밴드, 썬바이저
PMMA는 MMA monomer를 주원료로 하는 합성수지로서, 내후성, 내스크래치성, 착색성이 우수하여 자동차, 광학 제품, 전기 전자 등의 부품 소재로 널리 사용되고 있습니다.
고도의 투명성 - 모든 Plastic 중에서 가장 우수한 투명성 (가시광선 영역 92%이상 투과)
탁월한 내후성 - Plastic 중 내후성이 가장 우수함
우수한 내스크래치성 - Plastic 중에서 표면경도가 높아 내스크래치성이 우수함
· 제품 용도 : 자동차, 광학 제품, 전기 전자 등의 부품 소재
에틸렌 비닐아세테이트 공중합체
에틸렌 비닐아세테이트 공중합체는 에틸렌과 비닐아세테이트를 공중합하여 제조합니다. 고압 중합방식을 통해 생산되며, VA함량에 따라 물성들이 변화하는 특징이 있습니다.
· 제품용도 : 핫멜트 접착제 / 반도전 컴파운드 Base Resin / 태양전지 봉지재 / 신발 밑창
Maleic Anhydride
Maleic anhydride is primarily used in the manufacture of unsaturated polyester resins(UPR). It is also used in a wide range of applications such as coating resins, plasticizers, modified alkyd resins and lubricating oil additives. There is a rapidly increasing demand of maleic anhydride for its derivative products and 1,4-butanediol.
· Use of product : UPR, Alkyd Resins, Food Additives, Plasticizers, Oil Additives, Paints / Ink, Surfactants, Agricultural chemicals
Fumaric Acid
Fumaric acid is used to manufacture unsaturated polyester resins(UPR), alkyd resins and plasticizers. In addition, fumaric acid is used for food additives and acidifiers.
· Use of product : UPR, Alkyd Resins, Paints, General Foods, Food Antiseptics, Canned Foods
Dimethylaminoethyl Acrylate Methylchloride Quaternary Salt
DAQ is used as a raw material of polymer coagulants in wastewater treatments and it provides an outstanding performance in the environmental-protection industry. It is extensively used in the paper industry as strengthening agents and paper retention aids.
· Use of product : Polymer Coagulant (Wastewater Treatments), Chemicals for Paper-making
Ethyl Acetate
EA (Min 99.8wt%)
Ethyl acetate is a widely used solvent, especially for paints, varnishes, lacquers, cleaning mixtures, and perfumes. it is used as a solvent for decaffeinating coffee beans. In the lab, ethyl acetate is a common solvent for column and thin-layer chromatography.
· Use of product : Solvent for paint, printing ink, adhesives, synthetic resins, etc.
Butyl Acetate
BA (Min 99.5wt%)
BUTYL ACETATE has low toxicity. It is miscible with hydrocarbons, esters, alcohols and ethers, and it has low water solubility. An ester with an average evaporation rate, used mainly in coatings for automotive industry due to its high solubility in the main natural and synthetic resins used in this segment. Having a ‘urethane grade,’ it is widely applied in polyurethane (PU) systems, technology used in automotive paints as car refinishing, by OEMs, in wood applications, home appliances, and so on.
· Use of product : Solvent for paint, painting ink, electronic materials etc.
Styrene Monomer
Styrene Monomer(SM) is produced by reacting ethylbenzene, which is obtained from the synthesis of benzene and ethylene.
The colorless liquid with a unique odor is used as raw material for PS, EPS, ABS, SB latex, synthetic resin coating, ion exchange resin, etc.
· Use of product : PS, UPR, EPS, ABS, SB Latex, Synthetic resin coating, ion exchange resin
Purified Isophthalic Acid
Purified Isophthalic Acid (PIA) is also used as a comonomer in the production of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottle resins. It provides excellent hardness, corrosion and stain resistance, hydrolytic and thermal stability, and low resin levels.
· Use of product : PET bottle, Paint and Coating, Adhesive (low melt)
Ethylene Glycol
EG(Ethylene Glycol), a colorless liquid, is manufactured by reacting water and EO(Ethylene Oxide), which is created by the oxidation reaction of ethylene.
· Use of product : Surfactants, Antifreeze, Polyester, the most common synthetic fiber.
Isopropyl Alcohol
IPA is a material which has excellent solvent properties and is used as a solvent for industrial coatings, chemical reagent materials, electronic materials cleaning, printing ink, etc. acetone-based IPA / propylene-based IPA / High Purity IPA available.
· Use of product : Paint, Semiconductor and LCD cleaning agent for industrial use, Pharmaceuticals
Ethyl 3-Ethoxypropionate
EEP (Ethyl 3-Ethoxypropionate) is a slow evaporating ether-ester solvent with excellent activity for a wide range of coating polymers.
These include a slow evaporation rate, good resistance to solvent popping in baking applications, a moderate odor, low surface tension and high electrical resistance. In addition, it yields low polymer solution viscosities when compared to solvents with similar evaporation rates, provides excellent solvent release from coating films, and gives exceptional flow and leveling with a wide range of coatings.
· Use of product : Paints & Coating, Wood coating, Protective coatings
Defoamers are chemical additives that eliminate existing foam that has been formed and antifoam is the additive that prevents the foam formation.
· Use of product : Concrete, painting, coating printing etc.